
8-11 September 2024 | MultiCASE is traveling to Copenhagen, Denmark to attend the 2024 EuroTox Conference. We look forward to delving into the theme of Toxicology – A Quest for safe Chemicals and Medicines and networking with industry professionals. Be sure to stop by Booth #48 to see us!

American College of Toxicology (ACT) Meeting

17-20 November 2024 | We're headed to Austin, Texas to attend the 45th Annual American College of Toxicology (ACT) Meeting! We are looking forward to connecting with industry professionals and attending Continuing Education courses. Come visit us at Booth #310!

Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting and ToxExpo

16-20 March | MultiCASE will be attending the 64th SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo in Orlando, Florida to network with leading toxicologists and industry professionals. Be sure to stop by Booth #840 to hear more about our software solutions!

Join Us For Our Webinar!

Applying Expert Knowledge for Nitrosamine Carcinogenicity Assessment

Presented by Suman Chakravarti, Roustem Saiakhov, and Krystle Reiss
Tuesday, June 11 | 10:00 AM UTC