Research Topic
Research Topic
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Software Program
Publication Year

2024, Publication

Modelling biodegradability based on OECD 301D data for the design of mineralising ionic liquids

24 Jun 2024

Discover how new QSBR models help design eco-friendly ionic liquids (ILs) that fully mineralise post-application, preventing...

2024, Poster, QSAR Flex

‘Relevant’ versus ‘Similar’ Structural Analogs to Support Genotoxicity (Q)SAR Predictions

12 Apr 2024

Structural analogs with experimental data are important for expert review of (Q)SAR model evaluations. Analogs help...

2024, Poster, QSAR Flex

Predicting Nitrosation of Secondary and Tertiary Amines Using Statistical (Q)SAR Models

12 Apr 2024

Since the discovery of the carcinogenic nitrosamine NDMA in pharmaceuticals such as Valsartan in 2018, there...

2024, CASE Ultra, Poster

Improving the Predictivity of QSAR Models to Evaluate Rodent Carcinogenicity

15 Mar 2024

Carcinogenicity is considered one of the most important toxicity endpoints to evaluate concerning human safety. The...