Webinar Topic
Webinar Topic
Software Program

2024, QSAR Flex, Webinar

Applying Expert Knowledge for Nitrosamine Carcinogenicity Assessment

13 Jun 2024

We are excited to introduce a groundbreaking Nitrosation Module for hazard characterization within QSAR Flex. This...

2023, QSAR Flex, Webinar

Exploring the CPCA Framework: Defining Acceptable Intake for NDSRIs

9 Jan 2024

Discover the latest advancements in establishing acceptable intake limits for NDSRIs through the innovative Carcinogenic Potency...

2023, CASE Ultra, Webinar

QSAR Models for Endocrine Disruption

1 Aug 2023

MultiCASE's Mounika Girireddy explores the cutting-edge world of QSAR models tailored for assessing endocrine disruption potential...

2023, QSAR Flex, Webinar

Carcinogenicity Assessment of Nitrosamines: Current Status

19 Jul 2023

Dr. Suman Chakravarti from MultiCASE unveils the latest updates to nitrosamine classification in alignment with the...